the gates of hell

the gates of hell
The Gates of Hell

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dre's Dagger

I planted this fern (Athyrium filix femina 'Dre's Dagger') in the devil garden last year. I wasn't sure it had survived, but it's come back nicely. From a distance, it's neither remarkable nor obvious why it was a candidate for the devil garden.

But up close, the reason for its name--its strange growth habit--becomes clear. Note that half the crested pinnae criss-cross backwards over the others.

And the tassels at each frond's end top it off nicely!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Fire Wings

Tulipa 'Fire Wings' are blooming now for the first time in the devil garden, and they really light things up. Hopefully, Hades (the mosaic slug) feels slightly warmer today.