Rhus typhina "Tiger Eyes" (sumac)
This "Fire Flame" tulip looks just like a candle next to the bamboo (Tulipa acuminata). The coloration seems to vary a lot between bulbs (varying degrees of yellow/orange/red).
Euphorbia "Blackbird" and Heuchera "Fire Alarm"
Euphorbia "Bonfire"
Lobelia fulgens "Elm Fire" just emerging.
Athyrium nipponicum "Burgundy Lace"
Even the burgundy pineapple lily (Eucomis comosa "Oakhurst") is joining in...
Perhaps cheating, since this a houseplant, but these brilliant red begonia leaves certainly follow the theme. They look dark green until light shines through them.
And to close with perhaps the most dramatic, the dogwood (I don't know the variety) is burning especially bright today. Happy Spring!

Fire! I love it. Now to go see if my Eucomis is emerging...